About Us

SOLARIS (Social Leadership, Research, and Investigation Strategies) is a collective mind of all concerned citizens with a global vision who wants to take responsibility and create one of the leading non-governmental, non-profit organizations with the vision and the mission to create a sustainable change needed FOR A BETTER WORLD!

We are here to be part of the solution to:

> Empower women and girls together with men and boys.

> Do researches and implement projects with all other relevant stakeholders locally and globally.

> End poverty by creating opportunities for livelihoods encourage and contribute to entrepreneurship opportunities.

> Support and strengthen the most vulnerable communities.

> Protect and advocate for those who are in need.

> Contribute to the efforts of making sure that education is in reach for every individual globally.

> Work for the most sustainable solutions for a better environment against climate change.

> Be part of democratic changes, electoral processes, inclusive citizenship.

> Supporters of human rights in every spectrum of life.

> Offer strategies and implement projects for better integration of migrants and asylum seeker communities.

> Create awareness and fight against human trafficking.

And be the ones who make sure we do all these by working as a team with all other Civil Society organizations and decision-makers in every corner of the world!

Our Motto

''For A Better World''



SOLARIS aims to produce innovative projects that will increase social welfare and reconstruction. and strengthening activities with a community-based approach, activities with social cohesion content and also aims to ensure effective guidance for access to basic services, case recording, and follow-up, monitoring, evaluation, entrepreneurship, risk management, awareness studies, protection, livelihoods, sustainable development and participation of qualified workforce in employment. Moreover, it focuses on capacity development and training activities by carrying out protecting women’s and children’s rights. improving, strengthening, and developing disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals and communities as befitting worthy of human dignity. As well as improving and transforming the basic living conditions of individuals and communities who are affected by human rights violations, left their countries, and need international protection. SOLARIS uses the “Do No Harm” approach (also known as “Local Capacities for Peace” or LCP) to integrate conflict-sensitivity wherever it is relevant.

Core Values